Student Cell Phone Policy

Unity Academy for Boys will enforce a ban on all cell phones and smart devices during the instructional day. This includes cell phones and any other devices capable of two-way messaging or communication. 

Scholars are to immediately place their cell phones and smart devices in the designated box as they arrive at school and these will be stored in a locked area.  Parents of scholars who do not own a cell phone will be expected to sign an appropriate form indicating they do not have a cellular device and fully understand the school's policy regarding cell phones and smart devices.

To get an important message to your scholar:

  1. A parent/guardian can call the school's main office.  Office personnel will relay the message to the scholar. If the message is personal/private (emergency), staff will call the scholar to the office to speak directly with the parent/guardian.
  2. Scholars can access personal email accounts (ex. Yahoo, gmail, etc.) on their school-issued Chromebooks. Scholars will periodically be able to check their email and respond to a parent/guardian via email if needed.

1st offense – Cell phone/smart device is confiscated and must be retrieved by a parent/guardian. In addition, scholar will be sent home and will serve ONE day in ISS (In School Suspension) the next school day.   
2nd offense – Cell phone/smart device is confiscated and must be retrieved by a parent and guardian and scholar will be sent home to serve a TWO day suspension.
3rd offense – Scholar loses his privileges to attend Unity Academy for Boys.